Warmongers Whip Up a Dangerous Situation in Ukraine

Workers’ unity essential to fight the threat of war. Political and economic earthquakes are being prepared globally as the forces of US and Chinese imperialism move from a state of cooperation to open competition. As these forces collide, shock waves ripple around the world dis-organising, disrupting, and re-organising the relationships between the different imperialist powers. […]

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Ukraine: Competing ’elections’ deepen divisions

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (CWI in Russia). Working people need socialist alternative to warring oligarchs and outside powers It is just over one year since protestors gathered in Kiev’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti in protest at the Mykola Azarov government’s decision not to sign an ‘Association agreement’ between Ukraine and the EU. Since […]

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Socialism and national rights

Peter Taaffe is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales). Ukraine, Israel/Palestine and other countries  The bloody conflict in Ukraine, alongside the slaughter of the Palestinian people in Gaza, has brought the issue of the ‘national question’ once more forcefully onto the political agenda. How can we open a road to […]

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Ukraine: Descending into bloody conflict

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (ISA in Russia). Only united working class action can stop the catastrophe Events in Ukraine have taken a tragic turn as the country has degenerated into violent conflict. The Ukrainian army is moving in, with western powers’ backing, to violently disarm the mainly pro-Russian activists who have […]

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Ukraine: Crimea breaks away to join Russia

Niall Mulholland is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Tensions between powers worsen Crimea’s 16 March referendum saw an overwhelming majority vote in favour of joining Russia. According to the claimed official result, 96.77% voted ‘for’ integration and turnout was 83.1%. Tens of thousands celebrated in Simferopol, the capital of Crimea. On […]

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Ukraine: Yanukovich deposed

Niall Mulholland is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. Pro-western, right wing regime consolidates power The latest developments in the Ukraine saw the dramatic overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovich and his flight from Kiev. Mass discontent at grinding poverty and a corrupt, brutal regime finally erupted into a revolt in Kiev and […]

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