Stop the Revenge Attack and Bloodbath in Gaza!

Socialist Struggle Movement, Israel-Palestine The following Political report was discussed and adopted by an extraordinary membership meeting of Socialist Struggle Movement on November 24 and updated on November 26.  Socialist Struggle Movement bows its head in grief and rage, and stands in solidarity with ordinary people from all national communities on both sides of the […]

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The Bloody Trail of US Imperialism

Keely Mullen and Grace Fors are members of Socialist Alternative in the US. The interests of US imperialism can be measured by its death toll. US wars launched in the Middle East and Central Asia since 9/11 have killed 4.5 million people and created 50 million refugees. The brutality of the Israeli regime’s attack on […]

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Solidarity with Gaza

Against War & Terror For several weeks Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alternative Youth joined thousands of others in solidarity with the suffering of Palestine people at rallies in downtown Vancouver. Similar rallies have been held across Canada, some of which we have attended, and around the world. We will continue to support and build for […]

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