Iran: Trump brings region closer to war

Rob Jones is a member of Sotsialisticheskaya Alternativa (CWI in Russia). The headline and editorial in the Lebanese pro-Hezbollah newspaper “Al-Akhbar” on Friday read: “The martyrdom of Soleimani: It is war!” This is just one of the first angry reactions to the overnight US drone attack on the convoy leaving Baghdad International airport that killed […]

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Rojava: No to the Turkish Invasion!

Claus Ludwig is a member of Sozialistische Alternative (ISA in Germany).  A new stage of the war in Syria is now beginning after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has ordered Turkish troops to attack and occupy the Kurdish region of Rojava in northern Syria. The first wave of troops accompanied by widespread airstrikes has moved across […]

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World relations: Open splits at G7 jamboree

Robert Bechert is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. G7 failure, penalty tariffs reflect capitalist world disorder Trump’s claims of success after his Singapore meeting with Kim Jong-un were in complete contrast to the downbeat mood amongst most of the other leaders who had been with him at the preceding G7 summit […]

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The Nuclear Threat: Trump and North Korea

Hannah Sell is a member of the CWI International Secretariat. US president Trump’s standoff with North Korea and the numerous military conflicts around the world have renewed fear of the use of nuclear weapons. Although war between the major powers is not posed at the present time, today’s multipolar world is increasingly volatile. For many […]

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When Britain invaded Soviet Russia

Lynn Walsh is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales). Within months of the victorious October revolution British forces landed in northern Russia, the start of a counter-revolutionary armed intervention. In an article that first appeared in Militant, No.511, 11 July 1980,  reviewed When Britain Invaded Soviet Russia (The Journeyman Press, […]

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