South Africa: ANC President Zuma purges cabinet

Weizmann Hamilton is a member of the Workers’ and Socialist Party (CWI in South Africa). Political situation demands the launch of a mass workers’ party The cabinet reshuffle Jacob Zuma announced, like a thief in the night, at 12am, on 31 March, 2017, is the most audacious act of factional manoeuvring since Zuma’s election as […]

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South Africa: Metalworkers’ union expelled from COSATU

Rebuild the trade union movement on socialist principles! WASP Reporters The pro-African National Congress (ANC) right-wing of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) leadership has accomplished what the apartheid regime could not and split the 2.2 million-strong trade union federation. On the night of 7/8 November – dubbed the ‘night of the long […]

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South Africa: Elections 2014

Weizmann Hamilton is a member of the Workers’ and Socialist Party (CWI in South Africa). The African National Congress has been re-elected with 62% of the vote. This represents a marginal decline with the shedding of a few hundred thousand votes in absolute terms and the loss of 3.5%. Given the scandal filled five-year term […]

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South African Union breaks with ANC

National Union of Metalworkers (NUMSA) decides to cut ties with the ANC In what will go down in history as the most important trade union congress since the founding of Cosatu in 1985 delegates at the special congress of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa have taken the bold and historic decision to […]

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South Africa: One year after the Marikana massacre

Liv Shange is a member of Democratic Socialist Movement (CWI in South Africa). Both capitalists and working class prepare for unforeseen turmoil On August 16, 2012, at Marikana, a bloody line was drawn in South Africa’s political sand when police in cold blood shot dead 34 workers and wounded 78. The few seconds of the […]

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Workers and Socialist Party launch making waves within the combative SA working class

The Marikana massacre, where police armed with automatic weapons opened fire and killed 34 striking miners, was a watershed in post-Apartheid South Africa. Echoing this, one headline covering the launch read “born in post-Marikana anger, Workers & Socialist Party enters SA politics”. The most significant feature of the 2012 mineworkers’ strikes was the organisation of […]

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