Show BC Workers Some Love

Tell the NDP to Enforce Employment Standards! Socialist Alternative, alongside groups like the Worker Solidarity Network, recently waged a campaign in BC for ten paid sick days per year for workers in the face of the ongoing COVID pandemic, in the end, winning five. This partial victory represents an incremental step toward a truly fair […]

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Vaccine Rules – a Socialist Take

The emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID highlights the ongoing failings of governments around the world to tackle this pandemic. Vaccine hoarding by rich countries, companies putting profit before human need, governments failing to do outreach to hard-to-reach and hesitant communities and people have all contributed to this ongoing misery. The COVID pandemic drags […]

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Chinese Dictatorship Intensifies Jasic Crackdown

Dikang is a contributor to Forced confessions and more disappearances as CCP regime persecutes worker and youth activists “Our activities were actually illegal crimes. They seriously disturb the social order, and ignited foreign criticism towards the Party and the government, which dramatically debeautified the government’s image…” This is part of the filmed “confession” of […]

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