$37,909 For Hand Surgery

Rob Rooke is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. This is the tale of a US worker. It reminds us how important public health is and why the push from Conservatives, some greedy doctors and big business to privatize Canada’s health needs to be resisted. In fact, public health needs to be expanded […]

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Yes, Corbyn Should Launch a New Left Party, but What Kind?

Hugh Caffrey is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). Socialist Alternative welcomes the news that former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn may be considering establishing a new left party, on behalf of which he would stand at the next general election as Labour will stand against him. There is no shortage of support […]

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South Africa: Clover Strike is a Fight Against the Capitalist System

Workers and Socialist Party (WASP) reaffirms our solidarity with the 5,000 Clover workers on strike since November 22, 2021. We fully support the workers’ demands and are calling for the escalation of demonstrations to kick off this year of struggle, both by the workers as well as those forces who stand in solidarity with them […]

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World’s richest man to Canadian workers: you’re no heroes

The word “hero” is in vogue these days. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance in our society of nurses, cleaners, and grocery store workers to millions. Most Canadians are rightly grateful for the labour of these workers, who are doing their best to contain the pandemic and keep the country fed, often at great […]

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October 1917: When workers took power in Russia

Hannah Sell is a member of the Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales). With monotonous predictability the centenary of the Russian revolution has led to an outpouring of bile – not aimed in the main at the ‘acceptable’ February revolution – but at October. A cacophony of slander is attempting to drown out the […]

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Russian Revolution timeline – October 1917 – overthrow of capitalist rule!

This is the eighth in our series on the events of 1917. Dates are given in the old style Julian calendar used in Russia at the time. This was 13 days earlier than the Gregorian calendar (adopted in Russia in 1918). The working class and poor are on starvation rations. Grain prices rocket, provoking food […]

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Lenin speaks at a public rally in St Petersburg 1917

October Revolution: Workers take Power in Russia – All Power to Soviets

In October 1917, the workers, with support of the poor peasants, took power in Russia. The ruling minority were out of power. For the first and only time in history, the majority of people were in charge of a country. In the February revolution, as in all revolutions, the mass of people entered the stage […]

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Russian Revolution timeline – September 1917

This is the seventh in our series on the events of 1917. Dates are given in the old style Julian calendar used in Russia at the time. This was 13 days earlier than the Gregorian calendar (adopted in Russia in 1918). The Bolshevik party still faces state repression, many of its leaders in prison or […]

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Russian Revolution timeline – July/August 1917

Below we look at the events of July and August 1917 in Russia. Dates are given in the old style Julian calendar used in Russia at the time. This was 13 days earlier than the Gregorian calendar (adopted in Russia in 1918). The economy is in crisis, with inflation out of control and workers thrown […]

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Russian Revolution: May and June 1917

Niall Mulholland is a member of the Committee for a Workers’ International. May and June: Provisional Government weak but revolutionary movement not yet able to take power The situation is one of dual power: the weakness of the Provisional Government is becoming increasingly clear; the revolutionary movement not yet able to take control. Right-wing social […]

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