World of Disorder

Report of the discussion on World Perspectives at ISA’s 2023 World Congress Climate disasters, raging inflation and the threat of a world recession. A brutal war in Ukraine and rising global tensions. Three years of COVID with health systems teetering on the breaking points. Political polarization and unstable governments. The ruling class looks to the […]

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Just-in-time – for Chaos

Just-in-time production was a key part of the process of neoliberalism and globalization, as part of the drive to maximize profits. First used in Japan in the 1970s, it spread around the world and beyond manufacture to almost every facet of capitalist economics and management systems. The core idea is that manufacturers do not hold […]

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Another COP – Another Cop-Out

Julien Daigneault and Hubert Grenon are members of Alternative Socialiste (ISA in Quebec). Bill Hopwood is a member of Socialist Alternative Canada. Humans “with flesh, blood, and brain, belong to nature, and exist in its midst.” Engels Life on earth is in the midst of the “sixth mass extinction.” One in ten plants and animals […]

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More Salmon Woes

For thousands of years Pacific salmon, in their bounty, provided plentiful food for the people of the coast. Many described themselves as “Salmon People.” After living in the ocean for several years, the salmon return to their rivers of birth to swim upstream to the gravel beds to spawn and die. Along the way, overcoming […]

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Right-Wing Win in Vancouver Election

What started out as a very confusing election ended up with a clear result. A triumph for a new right-wing party – ABC. ABC’s mayoral candidate, Ken Sim, won an absolute majority of the votes cast, 51 percent, 85,732 votes compared to former Mayor Stewart’s 49,593 votes. All ABC’s seven council candidates were elected, as […]

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Inflation Emergency: Action Needed

Inflation is soaring and devastating workers’ living standards. Every trip to the food store brings a new shock. Canada’s official inflation rate was an 8.1 percent increase in June over May, the painfully worst increase in 40 years. To add to the pain, the Bank of Canada raised its prime interest rate from 1.5 percent […]

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Court Puts Landlords Before People

One unelected Supreme Court judge has overturned the democratic decision of the City of Vancouver. The ruling backs the greed of landlords over the need of people. In November 2021, Vancouver council agreed, with only one vote against, to implement rent control on Single Room Accommodation (SRA). These small units, about 100 square feet and […]

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