Hungry for a Fight

Workers across the province are facing an uncertain future. Many of us were temporarily laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and under the current Employment Standards Act those layoffs will become permanent and accrued benefits lost unless we are among those “lucky” enough to be called back before 6 months has elapsed. Although some […]

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Unite Here Local 40 workers on picketlines

Zero hours at the Hotel Corona

I work “full time” for a hotel. A cog in Vancouver’s tremendous tourism industry. Since I started work here, the fact that my contract stipulates “full time” availability with zero guaranteed hours has laid cold and squirming in the back of my mind, a worm undermining the small sense of security that comes with regular […]

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Student protest at SFU

Socialist Alternative Youth!

Amaya K, Bogdan K, Allie P and R A Costeau spoke with Martin LeBrun. Vancouver youth agree that there are positives about living in Canada: healthcare, vast natural beauty and, if you have a regular paycheque, a glut of consumer products. But increasingly inaction on climate change, falling living standards, work stress and alienation are […]

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