Workers Rising

Tim Heffernan and Bill Hopwood, from Socialist Alternative Issue #26 The rising cost of living, boosted by high interest rates, continue to hit workers hard. In Canada and around the world there has been an upturn in strikes. As Mick Lynch, a British union leader, stated, “The working class is back, and we refuse to […]

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Toronto Metro Store Strike

“We can’t even shop at our own grocery store. We can’t afford to.” The above comment in a news article came from Eman Chaudhry, a part-time cashier at a Toronto Metro store, explaining why they are striking. The article that included her quote stated that “she and her family struggle to make ends meet to […]

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“Green” Corporate Welfare Bums

Oliver Twist, desperately hungry in the workhouse, famously asked for “some more” thin gruel. Mr. Bumble is outraged and berates Oliver for his impertinence. Fast forward to 2023 Ontario, land of the business fat cats, auto makers Volkswagen (VW) and Stellantis, who do not request “more,” they demand billions in subsidies, or else. Not a […]

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April, The Cruellest Month

Climate change is global. But that doesn’t mean that all parts of the world are affected equally. To be sure, over the years, Canada has had its fair share of climate incidents such as forest fires and floods in Western Canada, hurricanes in the East, summer heat waves across the South, and ice storms in […]

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VW: Beyond Corporate Giveaways

The Canadian government is giving Volkswagen Canada (VW) $13 billion to build a massive new electric vehicle (EV) battery plant in St. Thomas, Ontario. This is being hailed as a “game changer” for Canada’s auto sector as the ruling classes of various countries fight to secure investment in a broader and greener economy. Canada’s traditional […]

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