Eulogizing the Frontier Mine

Teck Resources Limited announced its decision to remove the Frontier mine from life support on February 23, 2020. The $20-billion project had spent the whole of its nine  short years awaiting a federal bill of health that would never come. Its conception promised so much, the largest tar sands project ever seen, $12 billion in […]

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Unite Here Local 40 workers on picketlines

Zero hours at the Hotel Corona

I work “full time” for a hotel. A cog in Vancouver’s tremendous tourism industry. Since I started work here, the fact that my contract stipulates “full time” availability with zero guaranteed hours has laid cold and squirming in the back of my mind, a worm undermining the small sense of security that comes with regular […]

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When Workers Fight They Win

1,200 hotel workers in UNITE HERE Local 40 won dignity and job security in a battle against global corporations that rule the most luxurious hotels in downtown Vancouver. The two-month strike, the longest in the city’s hotel industry, demonstrated the power of unions when they have determination to win and a fighting strategy. The workers, […]

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160,000 Ontario Teachers Out on One-day Strike

Tim Heffernan is a retired Ontario Teacher. Friday, February 21, saw the biggest show of united action by Ontario teachers since 1997. All 4 unions (elementary, secondary, Catholic and French) representing 160,000 teachers, in a one day strike closed down schools that affected 2 million students. In Toronto, an estimated 30,000 teachers, education workers, parents […]

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Ontario teacher strike

Tim Heffernan is a retired Ontario Teacher. Two months after the first one day strike by Ontario High School Teachers, the two sides are still miles apart. (This article gives background to the strike.) The High School teachers in the public boards, organized by OSSTF, were the first to take action with a series of […]

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