Hungry for a Fight

Workers across the province are facing an uncertain future. Many of us were temporarily laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and under the current Employment Standards Act those layoffs will become permanent and accrued benefits lost unless we are among those “lucky” enough to be called back before 6 months has elapsed. Although some […]

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Jobs AND Environment Program

World Depression Canada and the world are in the worst economic depression in at least 90 years. At the start of 2020, the world was on the edge of a deep recession – COVID-19 plunged the economy over a precipice. Canada is facing years of high unemployment and extremely low growth. Weak domestic and foreign […]

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Regina Co-op Lockout of Workers

On June 22 2020, after a gruelling 6 month lockout, members of Unifor Local 594 who operate the Co-operative Refinery Complex in Regina reached a settlement with their employer, Consumer Co-op Refineries Limited (CCRL). The lockout was an often bitter and at times hostile dispute involving 730 workers. The settlement that was approved by 89% […]

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Class War in Alberta

Alberta’s Bill 32: Unprecedented escalation of Kenney’s war on workers There’s a good general rule for whether a piece of legislation will help or harm working people. If the business community says that it will lead to an economic Armageddon, workers probably stand to benefit (at the expense of their profits). But if the bosses […]

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Public Ownership of Banks

During the month of March, the whole world was scrambling to wrap their heads around the scale and impact of the COVID-19 crisis. As the coronavirus was scything its way through Asia and Europe, each successive government seemed to be competing to see who was going to bungle its pandemic response more. Meanwhile a different […]

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COVID Kills Farm Workers

Karl Marx once said, “The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.” While this may be a critique of liberal democracy, it can also apply to the state of temporary foreign workers in Canada who hope to live under better […]

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Life in a Soulless Job

Leslie interviewed a worker about her job in the time of COVID-19. Carol started at her company in a manual labour role. It was a full-time union job – a job she enjoyed. She’s now a sales representative, which is a more lucrative position. She needed to take on this non-union role to support her […]

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