Ontario COVID Crisis – the Losing Battle

Doug Ford began his press conference Friday, April 16 with “we’re losing the battle.” Knowing Ford, many expected him to continue with “but we’re winning the war.” Mercifully, he spared us that. It would have been more than a stretch to make that claim given the latest grim figures from Ontario for the virus. The […]

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Pharma capitalism

How Canada lost its publicly owned vaccine producing facilities Phew! The vaccines have arrived. Notwithstanding the conflicting and confusing information regarding AstraZeneca, most Canadians are relieved to be seeing that the vaccination program, having previously experienced some hiccups, is now rolling out relatively efficiently, although unevenly and with the risk of more bumps in the […]

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Hell! COVID Third Wave

The third COVID wave is crashing over most of Canada, and much of the rest of the world. Governments are blaming new variants of the virus, but the problem lies deeper than the variants. To be hit by three waves is a failure of governments. In Britain in the autumn of 2020, the new variant, […]

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Upsidedown Amnazon logo looking like a frown

Amazon and Doug Ford Fail Workers – Again

Amazon’s warehouse in Brampton, on the edge of Toronto, was ordered to close by Peel Public Health…

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Harmony Court seniors home in Burnaby British Columbia

Profit-Motive: COVID-19’s murderous assistant

In early March 2020, BC’s first confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths occurred in a long-term care facility. Most of the early deaths were in care homes but, after a slow start, BC’s government acted to restrict staff to only working in one facility, to stop spreading of the virus, and boosted their pay to a […]

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Union banner in front of Olymel slaughterhouse in Red Deer in Alberta

Slaughterhouse Workers are Paying the Price

On January 28, Darwin Doloque, a 35-year-old Filipino worker, died from COVID-19. He was employed at the Olymel slaughterhouse in Red Deer in Alberta. Other workers from the slaughterhouse describe the fear of going to work, which they experience daily, as well as fear of reprisal for speaking out. At the peak in February there […]

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Dr. Harding, Colonialism Alive inBC

On January 17, Colonial Provincial District Medical Health Officer Dr. John Harding arrived in Bella Coola with COVID-19 vaccine for the Nuxalk First Nation. At a welcoming ceremony Dr. Harding announced he had brought additional doses … enough to vaccinate the whole community. Two days later vaccinations began with the most vulnerable elders. However, there […]

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Woman leading a group of demonstrators on road. Group of female protesting for equality and women empowerment.

Kenney’s Failure Fuels Far-right Fringe

Premier Kenney’s failed economic and COVID-19 strategies have resulted in enormous financial hardship for Albertans and augmented the breeding grounds of pandemic conspiracy theories and the anti-mask movement. The mandated closure of small businesses has affected the livelihood of thousands who work in and own restaurants and the rest of the hospitality sector. By cutting […]

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Travel Privilege Makes Me Angry

Some elected folks think it’s okay preaching obedience to public health orders, then taking off for the beach without so much as a jaunty “aloha” to the rest of us. Citizens are angry at Alberta’s Tracy Allard and her “tradition,” (undoubtedly dating back to the time of the druids), of a holiday trip to Hawaii. […]

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Politicians jet-setting, while COVID deaths mount

“We’re all in this together” has been a constant refrain from politicians during the course of the pandemic. From the beginning, there was never any truth in this. In the same storm, yes, but the boats that became available for this storm ranged from yachts, to rowing boats, to scraps of wood. Given what’s happened […]

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