Vaccine Diplomacy? Vaccine Imperialism!

Sonja Grusch is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). Soon it will be 200 million people around the globe that have been officially infected by Covid-19. More than 3 million have already died. With the increasing availability of vaccines there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. But everything happening […]

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Too Little Sick Pay is Still Bad for Health

On May 11, BC’s NDP government finally announced the introduction of paid sick leave, more than year into the COVID pandemic. This shift was driven by mounting pressure from unions, doctors, public health workers and the public. The NDP’s lack of sick pay was embarrassing after the conservative premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, introduced paid […]

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India: COVID Second Wave Has Terrible Consequences for Masses

Mohammed Nawaz Tahir is an ISA supporter in India. Ordinary people are forced to run from door to door, hospital to hospital in search of basic amenities which should be provided at the earliest opportunity. This is because the economic and political establishment fail the majority of the population. Their policies push people over the […]

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Big Pharma Puts the World In Danger

Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Kshama Sawant Seattle Socialist City Councilmember and Socialist Alternative member Kshama Sawant introduced a resolution on April 26, that was carried 7 – 1 by the Seattle City Council demanding the Biden administration stop blocking the Intellectual Property waivers for the COVID-19 vaccines. Below […]

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Hockey and Big Business

The Vancouver Canucks finally took to their home ice and notched a 3-2 overtime win over the Toronto Maple Leafs in an empty Rogers Arena on April 18. In spite of the win, the Canucks were mostly on the back foot and looked somewhat sluggish in their first National Hockey League game in 25 days. […]

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Ontario COVID Crisis – the Losing Battle

Doug Ford began his press conference Friday, April 16 with “we’re losing the battle.” Knowing Ford, many expected him to continue with “but we’re winning the war.” Mercifully, he spared us that. It would have been more than a stretch to make that claim given the latest grim figures from Ontario for the virus. The […]

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Pharma capitalism

How Canada lost its publicly owned vaccine producing facilities Phew! The vaccines have arrived. Notwithstanding the conflicting and confusing information regarding AstraZeneca, most Canadians are relieved to be seeing that the vaccination program, having previously experienced some hiccups, is now rolling out relatively efficiently, although unevenly and with the risk of more bumps in the […]

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Hell! COVID Third Wave

The third COVID wave is crashing over most of Canada, and much of the rest of the world. Governments are blaming new variants of the virus, but the problem lies deeper than the variants. To be hit by three waves is a failure of governments. In Britain in the autumn of 2020, the new variant, […]

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Despite Growth Projections, World Economy Deeply Unstable

Tom Crean is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The devastation caused by the pandemic-triggered global downturn in 2020 is hard to overstate. It was the biggest economic contraction since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Across the world, working hours equivalent to 255 million jobs were lost. The World Bank estimates that […]

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Under Capitalism, More Pandemics to Come

Rebecca Green is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Over a year has passed since billions of people’s lives were halted and turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic, and while vaccinations are ramping up in some countries, the path to herd immunity is long and steep with hurdles like the threat of […]

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