Revolutionary Beethoven

A towering figure of music, Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770. He grew to be a genius of the European tradition of classical music. His life was a time of turmoil and revolution and at a crossroads of an artist’s relation with society. Beethoven’s musical beauty and genius is best understood in the context […]

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The Haitian Revolution and the Abolition of Slavery

Max Toynbee is a member of Socialist Alternative (England, Wales & Scotland). Review of The Black Jacobins by C.L.R. James (published 1938) Most schools teach pupils that the Atlantic slave trade went against European “enlightenment” principles of rationality, equality and democracy; a horror perpetrated against docile and simple Africans that was abolished by high minded powerful European […]

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Trotsky: A Biography by Pierre Broué Reviewed

Arne Johansson is a member of Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (ISA in Sweden). Pierre Broué takes us on a historic journey that begins with Lev “Lyova” Davidovich Bronstein’s birth on a Ukrainian farm in 1879, the early struggle of his teenage years to understand Marxism and his enthusiastic attempts to organise the Southern Russian Workers’ Union during […]

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