The Backlash Against Capitalism

Before COVID-19 had become the all-consuming news story it is today, the elites of world capitalism, under the name of the World Economic Forum, were meeting in January in Davos, Switzerland. According to the WEF pronouncements, the key issues facing capitalism, in the year ahead, would be that: 1) The global economy is under pressure, […]

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How Deep is the Global Depression?

Per-Åke Westerlund is a member of Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna (ISA in Sweden). The world economy is in shock and paralysis The world economy is being shaken as never before. 2.7 billion workers around the world — 81% of the labour force — are under lockdown or travel bans. Hundreds of millions risk acute starvation. And yet, […]

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Planning and Workers’ Control Needed more than Ever

The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing all the more clearly the fundamental failings of the capitalist economic system that we live under. Even before the pandemic, capitalist states have allowed for growing inequality, mass poverty, environmental destruction, and oppression of poor and working-class people both at home and even more so in places subject to colonialism […]

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