Socialist Alternative Magazine #18

The newest issue of our magazine Socialist Alternative is now published. Stolen Lives Stolen Land Alberta’s Misery Continues Slashing Cuts in Newfoundland and Labrador Ontario Education Shambles UniteHere! The Struggle Continues Fight For Sick Pay: Join a Union! Life of a Grocery Worker “Can’t Have Capitalism without Racism” The Road to Peace in Israel/Palestine … […]

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Crisis of the COVID Generation

Grace Fors is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The relative fast pace of vaccination in the U.S. has been an enormous relief for tens of millions. People are able to reunite with family members and friends. But the real toll of 15 months of isolation, the psychological and social effects on the […]

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Can Capitalism Solve a Plague?

Grace Fors is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Global Vaccine Inequality Spells Disaster The U.S. is approaching “back to normal.” Millions are vaccinated, the CDC nixed its mask guidelines, and states everywhere are eagerly lifting restrictions in time for summer. But globally, COVID-19 is exploding. Entire regions are wracked with new outbreaks. […]

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Patently absurd

Ditch the patents, Nationalize Big Pharma Canadians have understandably been concerned first and foremost with fighting the virus in their own backyard. But COVID is a worldwide threat and there won’t be a real victory, or real safety, until it’s won around the world. Vaccination in Canada has been moving along at a steady pace […]

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Vaccine Diplomacy? Vaccine Imperialism!

Sonja Grusch is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). Soon it will be 200 million people around the globe that have been officially infected by Covid-19. More than 3 million have already died. With the increasing availability of vaccines there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. But everything happening […]

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Pharma capitalism

How Canada lost its publicly owned vaccine producing facilities Phew! The vaccines have arrived. Notwithstanding the conflicting and confusing information regarding AstraZeneca, most Canadians are relieved to be seeing that the vaccination program, having previously experienced some hiccups, is now rolling out relatively efficiently, although unevenly and with the risk of more bumps in the […]

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Under Capitalism, More Pandemics to Come

Rebecca Green is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Over a year has passed since billions of people’s lives were halted and turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic, and while vaccinations are ramping up in some countries, the path to herd immunity is long and steep with hurdles like the threat of […]

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Harmony Court seniors home in Burnaby British Columbia

Profit-Motive: COVID-19’s murderous assistant

In early March 2020, BC’s first confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths occurred in a long-term care facility. Most of the early deaths were in care homes but, after a slow start, BC’s government acted to restrict staff to only working in one facility, to stop spreading of the virus, and boosted their pay to a […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #17

Capitalism’s COVID Disaster Women Organize Against Oppression Indigenous Struggles Continue The Struggle for Jobs and Climate US – China Cold War Will Continue Latin America: Struggle Returns Unite Here: A Fighting Local in BC Housing Crisis Ahead If you’d like to order paper copies, email us [email protected] Please make a donation towards our costs and […]

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Vaccinate Our Health Against Profit

Interview with a worker from a big pharmaceutical plant in Belgium. Nationalise the Pharmaceutical Sector! First published in Lutte Socialiste and De Linkse Socialist, monthly papers of PSL/LSP, ISA in Belgium Hopes are high that there is light at the end of the Corona Tunnel, especially now that the vaccination campaign has more or less […]

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