Canada Re-opens – Socialist Alternative Demands:

Governments across Canada, and the world, are pushing to re-open the economy. With COVID-19 still rampaging, this is putting profit before people. But the economy won’t just re-open. Millions are unemployed, many more have lost wages and face a rent crisis. People are not going to spend as they did before. Business is not going […]

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Iran: Economic and Political Crisis Intensifies

Nina Mo is a member of Sozialistische LinksPartei (ISA in Austria). The statement by former Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) commander Alireza Alavi-Tabar recently that, “if the current situation continues, people will rise up and the government will face a revolution or collapse which we should deter at all costs,” demonstrates how the Iranian ruling […]

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COVID Kills Farm Workers

Karl Marx once said, “The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.” While this may be a critique of liberal democracy, it can also apply to the state of temporary foreign workers in Canada who hope to live under better […]

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Review of No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age, Jane McAlevy, Oxford University Press (2016)

Tony Wilsdon is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The spark ignited by West Virginia teachers in 2018 has given new energy to the labor movement. The dynamic teacher strikes which spread from “red states” to big urban areas like Los Angeles and Oakland, centered around mobilization of teachers themselves with active support […]

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Belgium: Hospital Workers Win Victory Against Government Attacks

Anonymous is a nurse and shop steward in a hospital in Brussels. From Applause to Being Stabbed in the Back Colleagues with a few years of experience felt it coming: following the applause the stabbing in the back. Health care workers off course knew it all along: the politicians who applaud the “heroes” are the […]

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COVID-19, War and Economics

The metaphors of war have been in abundance since the onset of COVID-19. In Britain, the Queen, in a speech, evoked the WW2 song, “We’ll Meet Again.” The Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, also invoked WW2 when he used Winston Churchill’s words to talk about Italy’s “darkest hour.” Donald Trump has described himself as a […]

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World’s richest man to Canadian workers: you’re no heroes

The word “hero” is in vogue these days. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance in our society of nurses, cleaners, and grocery store workers to millions. Most Canadians are rightly grateful for the labour of these workers, who are doing their best to contain the pandemic and keep the country fed, often at great […]

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Cargill’s Carnage

One of the most blatant examples of capitalism’s relentless pursuit of profits at all costs is being played out in High River, Alberta. Cargill’s meatpacking plant in High River has had the largest single-site outbreak of COVID-19 in Canada. With links to more than 1,200 COVID-19 cases as of April 29, 821 workers have tested […]

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Who’s paying for the wage subsidies?

Anthony Main is a member of Socialist Action Australia. from The Socialist, ISA in Australia The federal government announced a $130 billion wage subsidy package in late March. The measures include provisions for workers in companies that have been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic to be paid up to $1,500 per fortnight. If companies are […]

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Business as usual in the gig economy – workers pay the price

Foodora Food delivery company that worked with 3,000 restaurants in 10 cities across Canada has announced the closure of its operations, effective mid-May. Foodora said it was unable to keep operating “without having to continually absorb losses.” It further said that it has not been able to reach a level of profitability in Canada that’s […]

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