Earth Day 2022 – SA Youth Event

Canada Environment Youth

Climate change is the foremost political issue on young people’s minds. We are the ones who will live with the full horrors of climate change and environmental degradation unless the world changes course. Yet, we see nearly everyone in a position of power acknowledges the crisis but does next to nothing to solve it and often makes it worse.

Members of Socialist Alternative Youth at Simon Fraser University, Douglas College, and the University of Victoria successfully hosted a march and rally for Earth Day last Saturday April 23. We had approximately 100 community members, youth, and workers come to rally and talk about the role labour and youth have to play in fighting climate change.

Allie Pev from Socialist Alternative Youth speaks to Global TV at the SAY’s Earth Day 2022 event in Vancouver

We especially thank Cedar from Tsleil-Waututh Nation for the territorial welcome, and the Daughters of the Drum for leading the march and performing on the stage. There was a great lineup of speakers including Jean Swanson and Chris Livingstone from COPE, Gemma de la Torre, a hotel worker from Unite HERE local 40, Wei Chun from SFU350, Isabella from New Westminster Secondary School Environment and Socialist Literature Clubs, Jennifer from Force of Nature, Maurice from Socialist Alternative Youth Douglas College, Bri from SAY University of Victoria and Allie Pev from SAY Simon Fraser University did an excellent job chairing.

Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alternative Youth are looking forward to building on the connections we made last weekend and participating in future events in this movement to Fight for our Future!

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