Socialist Alternative Vancouver: Public Meeting

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turmoil16A World in Turmoil
The Socialist Alternative

Speaker: Eleni Mitsou (Greek Socialist leader)

Thursday October 13, 7:30 pm
Room 7000, SFU Harbour Centre,

515 W Hastings, Vancouver

Crises are the new ‘normal’ of the world. The environment faces mounting crises of global warming and pollution. Economic crises of poverty and inequality are growing. Austerity is now normal. Wars, such as in Syria, and mass refugees are common. What links all of these? The world’s economic system, capitalism.

Capitalism puts the profits of a handful of people before the needs of humanity. The brutal austerity that so-called radical, left Syriza government imposed on the Greek people at the demand of the EU, in spite of their democratic wishes, demonstrates capitalism’s ruthless nature.

Eleni Mitsou, a leader of the socialist movement in Greece, will share her experiences in fighting to defend workers and wages against the Troika onslaught. Join Socialist Alternative and Left Alternative in this important discussion on the case for socialism.