Just-in-time – for Chaos

Just-in-time production was a key part of the process of neoliberalism and globalization, as part of the drive to maximize profits. First used in Japan in the 1970s, it spread around the world and beyond manufacture to almost every facet of capitalist economics and management systems. The core idea is that manufacturers do not hold […]

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Canada Re-opens, Tests Still Lacking

Canada is opening up after varying degrees of restrictions due to COVID-19. Retail stores, cafes, bars and restaurants, hairdressers and many workplaces are restarting operations. Of course, many businesses and workplaces deemed essential (some rather dubiously, like building luxury condos or pipelines) never closed. Schools in most provinces are closed, apart from provision for some […]

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Elk valley open-pi coal mine

Energy companies put Profits Before Safety

Teck Resources (2019 revenue of $11.9 billion, 2019 “adjusted profit” of $1.6 billion) is in the news this morning for a typically capitalist display of  corona virus corporate responsibility British Columbia’s Elk Valley. Teck is upgrading facilities for its mining operations in the valley which, among other things, involves a work camp of up to […]

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Unite Here Local 40 workers on picketlines

Zero hours at the Hotel Corona

I work “full time” for a hotel. A cog in Vancouver’s tremendous tourism industry. Since I started work here, the fact that my contract stipulates “full time” availability with zero guaranteed hours has laid cold and squirming in the back of my mind, a worm undermining the small sense of security that comes with regular […]

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Blood sample to be tested for covid-19

Bosses Sabotage Fight Against Covid-19

Giuliano Brunetti and Massimo Amadori are members of Resistenze Internazionali (ISA in Italy). The Italian Employers federation ‘Confindustria’ continues to demand that factories and production sites remain open, meaning they are openly working to spread the pandemic. It means that they are objectively responsible for the worsening of the situation. With over 5476 dead in […]

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