UNDEFEATED: Lessons From 10 Years of A Socialist in Office

Bia Lacombe is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Kshama Sawant has helped workers in Canada. The victory of a $15 minimum wage in Seattle inspired struggles across Canada. Kshama has spoken in support of Jean Swanson’s election campaign in Vancouver three times. Now she is helping to win a ban on caste […]

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Socialist Alternative Magazine #24

We Can’t Afford Capitalism Alberta Election Forestry: For Jobs and Old Growth Solidarity: the Heart of the Working Class No Justice, No Reconciliation Alienation and Capitalism Money for Death Not Life Stand up for Planet and People Ban Caste Discrimination Book Review: The Myth of Normal … and much more from Canada and abroad! Our […]

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Fighting Caste Discrimination in BC

In December 2018, BC taxi driver Manoj Bhangu was physically assaulted at a workplace Christmas party by two of his co-workers when a business dispute got out of control. In the course of the assault, the two men attacked Bhangu not just with fists but with slurs. These slurs were not racist, nor LGBTQ-phobic, nor […]

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Seattle’s Working People Won the Nation’s First Ban on Caste Discrimination

Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. Originally published by the Nation Standing in the Seattle City Council chambers on February 21, an Indian-American tech worker named Naresh recalled the caste discrimination he has faced beginning at age 5 in India. His voice quivered with anger as he thought about the […]

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Why I’m Not Running Again for City Council

Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. This article was originally published by The Stranger. This is now the tenth year I’ve had the honor to serve as an elected representative of Seattle’s working people. Workers in Seattle, through getting organized alongside my socialist City Council office, and my organization, Socialist […]

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Rail Workers Betrayed by Biden and the “Squad”

Kshama Sawant is a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. A socialist cannot be a strike breaker. This needs to be the end of any pretense by DSA that the “Squad” is socialist, and should result in their expulsion from the organization. Failing that, the Squad’s betrayal of the working class becomes DSA’s betrayal. […]

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Kshama Sawant – How Socialists Win on City Council

Kshama Sawant, a member of Socialist Alternative in Seattle, has an incredible record that shows what can be achieved as a socialist city councillor with a class-struggle approach to politics. Using the city council seat as a platform to lead mass campaigns against the rich establishment powers in Seattle and Washington State, Kshama and Socialist […]

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We Need Action NOW to Defend Abortion Rights

Kshama Sawant is a Seattle City Councilmember and a member of Socialist Alternative in the US. The day the Supreme Court announced their overturn of Roe v Wade, tens of thousands took to the streets across the country. The shameful, right-wing ruling runs counter to the support for legal abortion by the majority of American […]

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Kshama Sawant Speaks: Video

Kshama Sawant has led many successful struggles of working people against big business in the US, including the first $15 minimum wage in a large North American city and a Tax on Amazon to fund building public housing. She has won three elections to Seattle City Council and defeated the big-business backed, racist right-wing recall […]

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Why We Need Socialism & How to Win It

Speaker Kshama Sawant Sunday, May 15, 4:30 Pacific time, 7:30 Eastern time Register here: bit.ly/KshamaSocialism Socialist Alternative Seattle Councillor Kshama Sawant has led many victories for working class people including the first $15 minimum wage in a large North American city and a Tax on Amazon to fund building public housing. This will be Sawant’s […]

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