Kshama Sawant Speaks: Video

Canada International United States

Kshama Sawant has led many successful struggles of working people against big business in the US, including the first $15 minimum wage in a large North American city and a Tax on Amazon to fund building public housing. She has won three elections to Seattle City Council and defeated the big-business backed, racist right-wing recall attempt against her in December 2021.

Kshama was interviewed on the CBC about how and Socialist Alternative led major protests in Seattle and several other cities to oppose the overturn of Roe v Wade. She and Socialist Alternative are calling for escalating action with walkouts and strikes to build pressure to stop the ruling.

At a recent public meeting of Socialist Alternative Canada, she gave the socialist answer to the horrors of capitalism – war, climate disaster, attacks on women’s rights, inflation and inequality. She outlined why the international working class needs socialism, and what methods we need to use to win it.

After watching the video, please consider joining the fight for socialism and donating to Socialist Alternative.